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vertical dimension中文是什么意思

用"vertical dimension"造句"vertical dimension"怎么读"vertical dimension" in a sentence


  • 垂直标注
  • 垂直尺度
  • 垂直高度
  • 垂直距离


  • Gets the horizontal and vertical dimensions , in pixels , of the
    时它的水平和垂直尺寸(以像素为单位) 。
  • The vertical dimension encompasses firms with complementary products and competencies which can benefit from intensive transactions within the cluster and form networks of traded interdependencies
  • The hybrid grid system consists of orthogonal bodyfitted curvilinear coordinate in horizontal dimension and cartesians coordinate in vertical dimension . two numerical computation examples were adapted to test the simulating method and simulated results were compared with experimental data
  • A 3 - d noise of model second generation thermal imaging system is deduced on the basis of reviewing literature and detailed theoritcal analysis . in temporal , horizontal and vertical dimensions the noise may be divided into seven components , and the implications of various components are analyzed with the caculation methods are given
用"vertical dimension"造句  


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